Psychology Today Finally Dumps Lee Charles Kelley

I was pleased to hear that Lee Charles Kelley will no longer be a blogger at Psychology Today. It was a decision that PT should have made long, long ago. Psychology is science, and while their standards may not be as rigorous as The Journal of Psychology, PT is still a science-centered publication. The relationship…

Kevin Behan: A Legend in His Own Mind

If one were to believe the propaganda Kevin Behan has built around himself, you would come out with the impression that he is the kind of intellect that comes around once in a generation. He realized evolution was wrong with just by taking a couple of biology courses. He can defeat dogs using only his…

Unified Dog Theory: Kelley’s 19th Nervous Breakdown

Kelley continues his dreary and irrational attack on science in the 19th part of his so-called Unified Dog Theory. Like every attack on science by self-proclaimed experts, Kelley’s salvos haven’t amounted to anything of worth. As expected, he hasn’t unified anything and he seems confused, thinking his opinion is on the same level as scientific…